Good preparation is key
Your treating doctor has suggested an outpatient surgery and usually has already suggested a day for the surgery. For an initial meeting to get to know you, we ask you to arrange an appointment approximately one week in advance. Together, we want to examine you thorougly and discuss the best anesthesia procedure.
After the intervention you will be looked after in a specially equipped wake-up unit. Already after a few hours you are release and can go home into your familiar surroundings. Especially for children this is a benefit as no unnecessary separation from their family takes place. Also worth mentioning is, that patients are supplied with pain medicine upon release. If necessary you may arrange a home visit by an outpatient nursing service or a doctor.
Your first appointment:
- For our preliminary discussion you do not have to be fasting. We do ask you to be fasting and sober only on the day of the surgery.
- Please have all documents and examination papers with you.
- Please plan at least on hour of time.
- Leave a phone number where we can reach you.
Treatment before intervention:
- Please come fasting and sober – you should not eat or smoke 6 hours up to the surgery. You may drink water, tea or coffee without milk in moderation up to 2 hours before surgery.
- Remove jewelry, loose dentures or contact lenses before surgery and abstain from wearing make up and nail polish.
- Medication intake before the surgery should be agreed with the anesthetist.
- Arrive on time for appointments on the day of surgery, plan travel time and have somebody accompanying you, if possible.
- Inform us absolutely, if your health status changes shortly before the surgery.
- Arrange for an adult person to pick you up and look after you following the surgery. You are not allowed to drive on the day of surgery.
Treatment after intervention:
- You should rest on the day of surgery.
- You are not allow drive and participate in public road traffic, as well as work on running machinary. Further, you should not take any important decisions.
- Alcohol, sleeping and sedative medicine should be avoided at all cost. Effectiveness increase, as well as uncontrollable interactions with the administered anesthetics will occur.
- Pain medicine shall be taken only in consultation and instructions from our anesthetist.
- Usually, you may drink directly before being released. Small, light meals may be taken during the day, as long as your surgeon permits.
- If severe pain or sudden fever over 38.5˚C occurs, inform us immediately.
Anaesthesia screen
When visiting us for your surgery appointment, have your filled out anesthesia form with you. For the form, just ask at the reception or download below:
Information- and medical history sheets for anaesthesia for adults
Information- and medical history sheets for anaesthesia for children
More information on the topic of anaesthesia is freely available at (German)